1. Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey
In this study it was determined how pre-service chemistry teachers’ creativity fostering behaviours and their perceptions of their technology skills predict their success in Project Based Educational Technology and Material Development course. A sample of the study consists of 45 pre-service teachers attending Department of Chemistry Education at Hacettepe University. After the applications which took 10 weeks, pre-service teachers presented their materials and evaluated their peers and themselves. In order to determine pre-service teachers’ creativity fostering behaviours, “Creativity Fostering Teacher Index Scale” which was developed by Soh (2000) and adapted into Turkish by Dikici (2013) was used. In order to determine pre-service chemistry teachers’ perceptions on their technology skills, “Application Based Educational Technology and Material Development Skills Scale” consisting 46 items and developed by Akgül (2010) was used. Descriptive Statistics of “Creativity Fostering Teacher Index Scale” and “Application Based Educational Technology and Material Development Skills Scale” show that prospective teachers have behaviours supporting creativity and their perceptions about their technology skills is over the average. And multiple regression analysis shows that pre-service teachers’ creativity fostering behaviours and their perceptions on their technology skills together predict their success in project based material development course.
Key words: creativity fostering behaviours, perceptions on technology skills, pre-service chemistry teachers, project based educational technology and material development.
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