1. Siauliai University, Lithuania
In recent years attention to quality of studies is not decreasing. Lots of different level and type articles have been written, books and other literature have been published. On the other hand, over the last few years different national, regional and international science conferences and symposiums took place. Some of them can be mentioned. In November, 2000, “International Conference on Quality Assurance in Higher Education: Standards, Mechanisms and Mutual Recognition” took place in Thailand. One of the main accents in this conference was the question on how to establish new mechanisms of quality assurance and quality improvement (Harman, 2000). In October, 2010, an international conference took place on Quality Assurance in Higher Education in Africa: Setting a Sustainable Agenda for a New Decade ( In February, 2001, 10th International Research Conference on Quality, Innovation & Knowledge Management ( took place in Malaysia. There’s no purpose in mentioning all conferences that were held. All of them were significant in their own way. After all, different events on university study quality questions are regularly organised by international organisations such as, for example, European University association (
Organic Chemistry,Biochemistry