Metagenome-Assembled Genomes of Nitrososphaera from Aoteroa (New Zealand) Hot Spring Microbial Mats


Slosser T1,Markert E1,Wenick M1,Trembath-Reichert E2,Ward LM1


1. Smith College

2. Arizona State University


Abstract Aerobic ammonia oxidation is crucial to the nitrogen cycle, and is only known to be performed by a small number of bacterial lineages (Ammonia Oxidizing Bacteria, or AOBs) and a single clade of archaea (Ammonia Oxidizing Archaea, or AOAs) belonging to the Nitrososphaera class of Thaumarchaeota. Most characterized AOA originate from marine or wastewater environments, but this may represent only a limited subset of the full diversity of this clade. Here, we describe several genomes of AOA from metagenomic sequencing of a hot spring microbial mat, representing several poorly characterized basal lineages that may be important for understanding the early evolution of archaeal ammonia oxidation.


Research Square Platform LLC

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