The Principle of Luck Conservation: Unlucking the Secrets of Luck Using Conjugate Variables


Farshi Esmaeil


Abstract The concept of luck has long been an enigmatic and elusive factor in determining success or failure in various aspects of life. This paper presents a groundbreaking principle, the Law of Luck Conservation, inspired by the uncertainty principle and the concept of conjugate variables in physics. By demonstrating the intricate relationship between complementary variables, we aim to provide a practical framework for understanding and leveraging luck in competitive settings such as sports competitions, job interviews, and auctions. Additionally, we introduce the Concept of Luck Clustering, which explores the temporal patterns of luck and its apparent clustering in certain situations or time periods, offering insights into phenomena such as continuous winning streaks in sports or financial markets. This innovative approach has the potential to revolutionize our understanding of success and achievement even in gambling. The importance of the Luck Principle can be highlighted through the following points: Foundational knowledge, Unifying diverse fields, Guiding experimentation and research, Educational tool, and Decision-making and problem-solving. Based on the Principle of Luck Conservation, researchers can develop laws, concepts, and theorems. We have presented the Law of Luck Perception and Luck Equilibrium theorem as examples among many laws and theorems derived from the Luck Principle. By presenting the Luck Principle and its applications, we aim to revolutionize our understanding of success and achievement, allowing individuals to better navigate uncertainty and improve their prospects in various aspects of life.


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