Luck Clustering in Sports: Applications and Implications for Performance and Strategy


Farshi Esmaeil


Abstract The notion of luck clustering has gained traction in recent years due to its potential influence on performance and decision-making across a range of domains. This study concentrates on the application of luck clustering in sports, with an emphasis on its consequences for performance metrics and strategic decision-making. We employ time series analysis to investigate the presence of luck clustering in sports data, such as win-loss records, scoring, and player rankings, while considering the role of the Principle of Luck Conservation in the observed clustering patterns. Our findings provide evidence of luck clustering in sports, implying that periods of high luck tend to be followed by more high luck events, and vice versa for low luck events. These insights carry significant implications for coaches, players, and teams, who can utilize the understanding of luck clustering to develop more effective strategies, manage resources efficiently, and ultimately enhance their performance. By enriching our comprehension of luck's nature and its effects on sports outcomes, this study contributes valuable knowledge for practitioners and researchers in sports analytics and performance management.


Research Square Platform LLC

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