Leveraging Artificial Intelligence for Enhanced Project Completion in Education






Abstract This research investigates the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in educational settings, specifically its impact on project-based learning. In a controlled environment, 200 students participated, evaluating the effects of an AI-driven project completion support system on time management, engagement, and academic performance. Significant improvements were observed in the Experimental Group, emphasizing the positive influence of AI on educational project completion and its potential to enhance overall academic success. Sampling involved 200 students from Mumbai, India, randomly assigned to control (n = 100) and experimental (n = 100) groups using unbiased random sampling techniques, ensuring generalizability. Data collection employed pre/post-project surveys, project completion rates, and academic metrics, capturing insights into students' habits before and after AI support system implementation. Led by EdTech Research Association faculty and co-author Kavita Roy, the study showcased marked improvements in time management, engagement, and academic performance in the Experimental Group. The AI-driven system emerged as an effective guide, aiding students in time management and positively influencing engagement and academic performance. Acknowledging study limitations guides future research. Implications advocate for strategic AI integration in education, urging institutions and policymakers to responsibly adopt AI tools. Positive outcomes highlight the need for preparing students for the digital age. Future research should explore long-term effects, diversity considerations, ethics, and teacher training programs, providing a comprehensive understanding of AI's role in education. In summary, the findings underscore AI's positive impact on project completion, signaling a path to a more efficient learning environment and contributing significantly to students' overall academic success in the evolving educational technology landscape.


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