The relative contributions of species turnover and intraspecific trait variation to community functional composition are determined by functional trait categories following nutrient enrichment


zhou xiaolong1,Dong Liuwen1,Zhang Yongjun1,Li Jingdong1,Ren Zhengwei2ORCID,Niu Kechang3ORCID


1. Xinjiang University

2. Lanzhou University

3. Nanjing University


Abstract Functional composition has been extensively used to study variation in community structure and maintenance of ecosystem functioning in recent years. However, the drivers of functional composition in terms of species turnover and intraspecific trait variation (ITV) have still not been unambiguously distinguished, and the primary determining factors of those two components have not been made clear, especially under nutrient enrichment scenarios. In this study, we used a global data synthesis analysis and three multiple nutrient addition experiments conducted in two sites of alpine grassland to determine the extent to which species turnover and ITV contribute to functional composition shifts following nutrient enrichment. Our results showed that functional traits categories, but not environmental factors (fertilization type, climatic factors, soil properties and light transmittance), primarily determine the relative contributions of species turnover and ITV in driving shifts in community functional composition following nutrient enrichment. For whole plant traits (height) and leaf morphological traits (specific leaf area (SLA) and leaf dry matter content (LDMC)), the relative extents of species turnover generally exceeded ITV in most nutrient addition treatments. However, for leaf chemical traits (leaf N content (LNC) and leaf P content (LPC)), the effects of ITV overwhelmed species turnover in almost all nutrient addition treatments. Those findings are robust across different nutrient addition types and gradients. To our knowledge, this is the first study to combine global data with multisite experiments to explore the drivers of shifts in community functional composition. Future research should focus on exploring the mechanism behind these patterns and linking species turnover and ITV to community assembly processes under global nutrient enrichment scenarios.


Research Square Platform LLC

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