Glioblastoma (GB) is a highly heterogeneous type of incurable brain cancer with a low survival rate. Intensive ongoing research has identified several potential targets; however, GB is marred by the activation of multiple pathways, and thus common targets are highly sought after. The signal regulatory scaffold IQGAP1 is an oncoprotein implicated in GB. IQGAP1 nucleates a myriad of pathways in a contextual manner and modulates many of the targets altered in GB like MAPK, NF-κB, and mTOR/PI3K/Akt1, thus positioning it as a plausible common therapeutic target. Here, we review the targets that are subjects of GB treatment clinical trials and the commonly used animal models that facilitate target identification. We propose a model in which the dysfunction of various IQGAP1 pathways can explain to a larger extent some of the GB heterogeneity and offer a platform for personalized medicine.