The Azimuthal Projection Model of Universal Accelerated Expansion


pletcher arthur1


1. The Thousand


Abstract A mathematical alternative to Dark matter. Universal accelerated expansion is modeled as a R4 (four spatial) dimensionalhypershere, azimuthally projected onto a R3 (three spatial) dimensional sphere, and is shown to match the Universal expansionrate, as established from supernova Cosmology survey points. Red-shifting is alternatively proposed as azimuthal angular pro-jections of wavelengths λ. Expansion is alternatively proposed, as azimuthal projections of meridians, asymptotical to a horizon,and Lambert’s cosine law of luminous intensity. The discrepancies between theoretical and observed galaxy rotation curves, aswell as apparent increased energy density are shown to be predicted from this model. This parsimonious model requires onlya few assumptions, excluding dark energy to satisfy the Cosmological Constant Λ. A radical implication of this model, is thatthe universe is much smaller than conventional methods have estimated, as azimuthal angular projections are positional de-pendent. A potential proof is described from the Hubble Tension; Discrepancies between visible spectra red-shifting of cepheidvariables (the most recent calculation is Ho = 74.03 ± 1.42km/sec/M pc), and from temperature fluctuations in the CosmicMicrowave Background (CMB) (which are calculated to be Ho = 68.7 ± 1.3km/sec/M pc), which resolves the discrepancy by re-calibrating redshift data from supernova Cosmology survey points.


Research Square Platform LLC

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