Neolamarckia cadambahosts a putative novel deltapartitivirus: a revelation by transcriptome data-mining


Sidharthan V. Kavi1,Ashajyothi Mushineni2


1. ICFRE-Institute of Forest Biodiversity, Hyderabad- 500100, India

2. Plant Protection Lab, ICAR–Central Agroforestry Research Institute, Jhansi- 284003, India


Abstract Neolamarckia cadamba (Roxb.) Bosser is a medicinally important, fast-growing, timber-yielding tree species. In the present study, the virome of N. cadamba was explored using the publicly available N. cadamba transcriptome datasets and a putative novel virus, tentatively named as Neolamarckia cadamba virus 1 (NcV1), was identified. NcV1 contained two genome segments, each coding for a single protein. NcV1 RNA1 (1564 nt) encoded for an RNA dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) protein while NcV1 RNA2 (1492 nt) encoded for a coat protein (CP). Phylogenetic and sequence similarity analyses revealed the relatedness of NcV1 to pepper cryptic virus 1 and pittosporum cryptic virus 1. Based on the species demarcation criteria, genome organization and phylogeny, NcV1 can be regarded a new member of the genus Deltapartitivirus.


Research Square Platform LLC

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