A preliminary study of placental microcirculation and microstructure in healthy pregnant women in different trimesters and pregnancy-induced hypertension (PIH) at plateau through intravoxel incorrelation movement (IVIM).
A retrospective analysis was conducted at Qinghai Red Cross Hospital from August 2019 to January 2022. All subjects(18,28 pregnant women in the second trimester/third trimester[PWST/PWTT], 26 PIH) underwent ultrasound,MRI-IVIM examinations.The true diffusion coefficient (D),false diffusion coefficient (D*), perfusion fraction (f) values of the whole placenta and different placental sites, estimated fetal weight (EFW) and postnatal weight were measured and recorded. The statistic was analyzed by independent sample t test or single factor ANOVA,multiple comparisons of placental quantitative parameters between subjects were analyzed by the Bonferroni method. The correlations between placental IVIM parameters and fetal weight, GA and GW were analyzed by Pearson correlation analysis.
No significant differences among the different placental parts of the PWST. The difference among the placenta in PWTT-f(maternal side>fetal side, P<0.05). Compare with PWST, PWTT>PWST- D(maternal side,P<0.05). In contrast to PIH,PWTT>PIH-f(fetal side, whole placenta,P<0.05), PWTT>PIH-D(maternal side, whole placenta,P<0.05).EFW and postnatal weight of PWTT > PIH(P<0.05).PWTT-f(maternal side)was negatively correlated with EFW (r=-0.579, P = 0.005), PWTT-f(maternal side) was negatively correlated with GW (r=-0.441, P = 0.005).
IVIM could effectively analyze and evaluate the characteristic of placental microcirculation and microstructure in normal and PIH pregnant women at plateau.