1. Maize Research Institute Zemun Polje, Belgrade
Maize protein is deficient in two essential amino acids, lysine and
tryptophan. Naturally occurring opaque2 (o2) mutation which increases the
levels of tryptophan and lysine in the grain also confers an undesirable
phenotype leading to low yields and more susceptible, soft and chalky
kernels. Quality Protein Maize (QPM) is agronomically acceptable and
nutritionally improved opaque2 maize. Marker assisted selection increases
reliability and efficiency, reduces time and costs taken to obtain QPM. The
results presented in this paper are a part of the Maize Research Insitute
project on conversion of normal maize lines to QPM lines adapted for growing
in temperate regions trough marker assisted backcross (MAB). Genetic and
biochemical variability was analyzed between normal (ZPL 5) and QPM (CML 144)
parental inbred lines and the efficiency of the three opaque2 specific SSR
markers was examined. Markers phi057 and umc1066 can discriminate homozygous
and heterozygous backcross progeny, thus can be used as foreground selection
markers for the opaque2 gene. The genetic similarity between analyzed lines
was 0.05, which confirmed good selection of parental lines for the creation
of hybrids. Tryptophan content was 0.093 and QI was 0.85 in CML 144,
approximately twice as high compared to 0.054 and 0.48 in ZPL 5. Both
tryptophan and QI values for CML 144 were above the QPM treshold, i.e.
tryptophan for 24% and QI for 0.625%, making it a suitable donor line of o2.
These results represent the framework for marker assisted introgression of
the quality protein trait into local maize genotype.
Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia
National Library of Serbia
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2 articles.