1. Academy of Sciences, Institute of Mathematics, Bratislava, Slovakia
2. Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Faculty of Education, Trnava University, Trnava, Slovakia
Minimal cusco maps have applications in functional analysis, in optimization,
in the study of weak Asplund spaces, in the study of differentiability of
functions, etc. It is important to know their topological properties. Let X
be a Hausdorff topological space, MC(X) be the space of minimal cusco maps
with values in R and ?UC be the topology of uniform convergence on compacta.
We study completemetrizability and cardinal invariants of (MC(X), ?UC). We
prove that for two nondiscrete locally compact second countable spaces X and
Y, (MC(X), ?UC) and (MC(Y), ?UC) are homeomorphic and they are homeomorphic
to the space C(Ic) of continuous real-valued functions on Ic with the
topology of uniform convergence.
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