Protein content and amino acid composition in seed of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
Urosevic Dusan1, Knezevic Desimir2, Brankovic Gordana3, Novoselskaya-Dragovich Aleksandra4, Kudryavtsev Alexander4, Matkovic-Stojsin Mirela5, Micanovic Danica6, Zecevic Veselinka7
1. Maize Research Institute Zemun Polje, Zemun Serbia 2. University of Pristina, temporary settled in Kosovska Mitrovica, Faculty of Agriculture, Lešak, Lešak, Kosovo and Metohija, Serbia 3. University of Belgrade, Faculty of Agriculture Zemun, Belgrade, Serbia 4. Russian Academy of Sciences Laboratory of Plant Genetics, “N.I.Vavilov” Institute of General Genetics RAS, Moscow, Russia 5. Tamiš Research and Development Institute, Pančevo Serbia 6. Serbian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Bеlgrade, Serbia 7. Institute for Vegetable Crops, Smederevska Palanka, Serbia
The aim of this study was determination of protein content and amino acid
composition in seeds of bread wheat, with particular focus of evaluation
essential amino acids (EAAs). For analysis used flour samples of grained
seed of 10 wheat variety, which selected in different breeding center (in
Novi Sad and Kragujevac, Serbia). Kjeldahl method was used for determination
of nitrogen (N) contents which value multiplied with coefficient 5.7 for
computing protein content (protein contents = 5.7 x % N contents). Amino
acids analyses of wheat samples were performed by ion exchange
chromatography, followed by the ninhydrin colour reaction and photometric
detection at 570 nm and 440 nm (for proline). The results showed that the
mean protein content for wheat varied from the lowest value 10.24% in
Ljubicevka to the highest 14.21% in Fortuna variety. The mean contents (g
100 g-l protein) of nonessential amino acids (NEAAs) were aspartic acid
5.42%, serine 4.23%, glutamic acid 18.51%, proline 12.18%, glycine 4.17%,
alanine 3.64%, tyrosine 2.52%, arginine 5.02%, while mean contents of
essential amino acids (EAAs) were threonine 2.86%, valine 4.52%, methionine
1.28%, isoleucine 3.87%, leucine 5.87%, phenylalanine 4.62%, histidine
2.46%, lysine 2.91%. The wheat variety contained relatively high
concentration of the most deficient EAAs. The variety Ljubicevka contained
relatively high concentration of the most deficient EAAs (threonine, valine,
leucine, lysine,). The highest value (29.31 g 100 g-l protein) of total
essential amino acids (TEAA), 59.79 g 100 g-l protein of total nonessential
amino acids (TNEAA) as well as the highest value (90.35 g 100 g-l protein)
of total amino acids (TAA). Obtained results provide variability of wheat
variety on the base of amino acid contents and indicate reliable variety for
selecting desirable parents in breeding program for improving nutrient
Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia
National Library of Serbia
Plant Science,Genetics
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