1. Institut za stočarstvo, Beograd-Zemun
Carcass dressing percentage (dressing percentage of two carcass sides) or slaughter dressing percentage is proportional share of carcass, that is carcass sides, in relation to mass prior to slaughtering. Beef carcass consists of two carcass sides, regardless of the sex, on which, after bleeding, skin, head, lower leg parts (in carpal and tarsal joints), internal organs of the pectoral, abdominal and pelvic cavities, sexual organs, kidney and pelvic fat, diaphragm, tail and spinal cord were separated. In order to investigate factors significant for results related to slaughter dressing percentage, experiment with two trial groups of approximately same mass prior to slaughtering was carried out. First trial group consisted of young cattle of Domestic Simmental breed (DS, n=7) average mass of 592,7 kg, and the second group consisted of crossbreds of Domestic Simmental breed and Limousine (DSL, n-7) average mass of 589,9 kg. Mass of warm carcass sides with and without kidney fat, mass of internal organs (kidneys, liver, lungs, heart and spleen), mass of head, tongue, tail, skin and muscle cuts from diaphragm were measured. Based on obtained results it was established that male young cattle - crossbreds of Domestic Simmental breed and Limousine breed achieved better dressing percentage by 4,55% compared to young cattle of Domestic Simmental breed. In case of young cattle of Domestic Simmental breed, proportional share of skin mass was higher by 1,6% compared to crossbreds. Also mass of muscle cuts obtained from diaphragm was higher by 0,09% in case of Domestic Simmental cattle. For remaining investigated anatomical parts no significant differences were determined. Total mass of internal organs of young cattle of Domestic Simmental breed was higher by 0,36% compared to internal organs of crossbreds of Domestic Simmental and Limousine breed. The mass of spleen of young Domestic Simmental cattle was by 0,23% higher in relation to crossbred cattle.
National Library of Serbia