1. Institut za kriminološka i sociološka istraživanja, Beograd
This paper builts on a body of empirical research done by the author, from
the late 80iess on, related to parenthood and gender, in the region of the
Western Balkans. Throughout years the author developes holistic approach to
parenthood, where individual practices and discourses are connected to the
macro social changes on a global scale. The author gives a short overview of
three empirical reasearch projects to show how the process of de-development
of the semiperiphery has blocked the process of modernization of parenthood
which was taking place in the 80-is, and how instead, a hybrid model of
parenthood and partnership emerged. The major characteristic of this new
hybrid model is that practices of equality are developing faster than the
discourses on equality, which can be explained only by taking into the
consideration deeper structural characteristics of the gender regimes at the
semi-periphery. Discourses on gender are still highly captured by the
rhetoric of ?woman as a mother of a Nation? and her role in an overall
national project. However, from the perspective of the newest complex
empirical research, dealing with gender equality on everyday life level
(Gender Barometer in Serbia, UN Women, 2013) it could be concluded, twenty
years afterwards, that ?self/sacrificing micro-matriarchy? (Blagojevic, 1994)
is only a transitional phase in establishment of egalitarian model in a
private sphere, and in fact a specific emancipatory strategy. Trends which
were empirically recorded at the end of 80-ies are being continued,
regardless of the transitional hardships. The semiperipheral perspective
enables theoretization of this ?twist?, where the emancipation in the private
sphere is strengthening the emancipation in the public sphere, which is in
many ways opposite process in comparison to the modernization process,
including socialist project as modernization project. The semiperipheral
perspective offers understanding of the ?twist?, as a consequence of the
process of de-development, while at the same time exists continuous, deep,
structural change towards equality on a micro level and in a family.
Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia
National Library of Serbia
Cited by
7 articles.