Metabolic syndrome components for different assessment criteria among women of a middle-urbanized city of Western Siberia


Kayumova M. M.1ORCID,Gakova E. I.1ORCID,Petelina T. I.1ORCID,Akimova E. V.1ORCID


1. Tyumen Cardiology Research Center of Tomsk National Research Medical Center of RAS


The prevalence of metabolic syndrome components at the population level was determined mainly in age-limited contingents, by criteria for assessing metabolic syndrome, or on selective samples of the population, while conducting correct epidemiological studies in open female populations to study the prevalence of metabolic syndrome components according to various assessment criteria seems to be extremely relevant. Aim of the study was to establish the prevalence of metabolic syndrome components in an open female population according to different assessment criteria (on the model of Tyumen). Material and methods. A cross-sectional epidemiological study was carried out among females in one of the administrative districts of Tyumen. A representative sample was formed from electoral lists among women 25-64 years old by the method of «random numbers» – 1000 subjects (250 persons in four decades of life). The response to the study was 70.3 %. The NCEP ATP III (2004) and IDF (2005) criteria for assessing the metabolic syndrome were used for the analysis. Results. In an open population of a moderately urbanized city of Western Siberia among women 25-64 years old, a high prevalence of abdominal obesity was revealed according to various criteria for assessing agestandardized indicator (33.5 and 49.8 %), a positive relationship with age was determined. The prevalence of arterial hypertension, hyperglycemia and hypertriglyceridemia HTG occupies the middle position with a significant increase in indicators in older age categories. In women of the urban population, a high prevalence of high density lipoprotein hypocholesterolemia was revealed in young and middle age (from 18.5 to 31.3 %). Conclusion. The obtained data on the prevalence of metabolic syndrome components in women in an open population help to identify risk groups for the development of cardiovascular diseases and to outline measures for primary prevention among the population of a medium-urbanized city of Western Siberia.


Institute of Cytology and Genetics, SB RAS

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