This study aims to convert raw chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) into dried chickpea puree powder form using a drum dryer having a high rehydration ratio and for ready-to-use consumption form maintaining its healthy properties. The effects of the drying conditions on the physical, chemical, and rheological properties of chickpea puree powders were investigated. Before drying, raw chickpeas were soaked in water at 25°C for 12 hours and boiled at 100°C for 55 minutes. In the drying process, saturated steam pressures (2, 3, and 4 bar) and drum rotation speeds (2.0, 3.0, 4.0, and 5.0 rpm) were chosen as process variables. The most appropriate process conditions were determined as 3 bar of steam pressure and 2 rpm of drum rotation speed targeting the maximum protein content (30.35±0.18%), maximum rehydration ratio (515±0.01%), and as low as possible browning index (BI)(59.28±4.90) values. It was determined that chickpea puree had the appropriate rheological characteristics when the shear stress and shear rate values for chickpea puree powders with various dry matter contents (%25, %26, %27.5, %30) produced under suitable process parameters were examined.
Ege University Scientific Research Projects
Association of Food Technology, Turkey
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