Microbial cenosis of typical chernozem at the biological and intensive agrarian systems


Borko Yu.P.,Patyka M.V.,Kolodyazhni O.Yu.


The results of investigations on studying of the impact of agromeasures at the functioning of microbial communities in chernozem typical has been shown. The aim of article was a comparative analysis of the functioning of bacterial and fungal microbiota in sugar beet rhizosphere at the application of biological and intensive (industrial) agrarian systems during culture ontogenesis. We applied a microbial (identification of microorganism’s number and their qualitative composition), ecological (ecological index calculation), biochemical (estimation of the microbial biomass and metabolic coefficient) and statistical (establishing the results probability) research methods is to achieve of this purpose. The application of agromeasures are significant impact on microbial communities in chernozem typical in sugar beet rhizosphere during ontogeny and are caused the change of trophic relationships and different direction of microbial processes in soil has been established. The phase of plant development is also had a significant impact on the activity of soil microorganisms functioning. The number of root exudates is increased and plant debrises are accumulated in the soil during sugar beet ontogeny. It is promotes to the growth of numbers, biomass and diversity of microbial communities’ in chernozem typical and consequently intensification of soil organic matter transformation. Thus the application of biological agrarian system compared to intensive is helped to optimization of soil microbial complex. It is accompanied the increasing of the number, diversity and content of microbial biomass and growth of microbial groups resistance. This helps to enhance of microbial transformation of organic matter and improve of soil trophic metabolic profile. The use of intensive agrarian system are involved the reducing of the number, diversity and biomass of microorganisms, that accompanied by a simplification of trophic relationships and deregulation of plant-microbe systems.


Publishing House of National Academy Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine


General Medicine

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