Scientific provision of feed production in marital state conditions


Petrychenko V.ORCID,Korniychuk O.ORCID


Purpose. Substantiation of directions for the development of domestic feed production to ensure food security of Ukraine in war conditions in 2022. Methods. Analysis, synthesis, abstraction, graphical and correlation analysis (of forecast values of feed production and feed raw materials). Results. The war made significant adjustments to the process of food supply of Ukrainians with livestock products. Damage to logistics infrastructure has disrupted traditional supply chains. Products from small regional manufacturers have become a reliable channel for providing the population of the regions with basic food staffs. Providing livestock with high-quality feed requires efficient use of scientific developments of domestic scientists, which are adapted to transformational changes. The most important factors of effective animal husbandry and providing it with high-quality feed include taking into account the peculiarities of feed raw material production territorial distribution, availability of resources, effective use of cultural pastures, formation of a green conveyor, procurement of feed using domestically produced biological vitamin and mineral supplements and on the base of new resource-saving technologies; formation of territorial feed centers based on the cooperation of small and medium-sized farms and agricultural enterprises. Conclusions. The main directions of domestic feed production development in conditions of limited resources: introduction of seeds of new domestic varieties of fodder crops and soybeans, included into the State Register of plant varieties suitable for distribution in Ukraine; spreading of promising technologies for growing feed raw materials for the formation of a green conveyor; creation and use of cultural pastures; the use of advanced technologies for harvesting bulk fodder (silage, hay and haylage); development of commercial feed production; expanding the functions of the feed market.


Publishing House of National Academy Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine


General Medicine

Reference17 articles.

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