Decision Aids for Tunneling


Einstein Herbert H.1,Indermitte Claude2,Sinfield Joseph3,Descoeudres Françcois P.4,Dudt Jean-Paul4


1. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 77 Massachusetts Avenue, Room 1,342, Cambridge, MA 02139

2. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 77 Massachusetts Avenue, Room 1,330, Cambridge, MA 02139

3. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 77 Massachusetts Avenue, Room 5-330b, Cambridge, MA 02139

4. Laboratoire de Géotechnique, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale, 1015 Lausanne, Switzerland


The decision aids for tunneling (DAT) are a computer-based tool with which tunnel construction cost and time as well as required and produced resources can be computed. The DAT work with standard information such as geologic/geotechnical, structural, and material characteristics as well as construction performance. The two major components of the DAT, the “description of geology” and “construction simulation and construction management” are reviewed followed by descriptions of major applications of the DAT. Specifically, this involves application in the projects of two new transalpine rail tunnels in Switzerland (Gotthard, 57 km; Lötschberg, 36 km), investigation of different alternatives for a Metro project, and, finally, use of the DAT for assessing the effect of new tunneling technology on cost and time of construction.


SAGE Publications


Mechanical Engineering,Civil and Structural Engineering

Reference10 articles.

1. EinsteinH. H., DescoeudresF., DudtJ.P., and HalabeV. Entschei-dungshilfen für den Tunnelbau. Schlussbericht über die im Auftrag des Bundesamtes für Verkehr ausgeführten Arbeiten, 1991.

2. EinsteinH. H., DudtJ.P., HalabeV., and DescoeudresF. Decision Aids in Tunneling. Monograph in conjunction with the research project for the Swiss Federal Office of Transportation, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1992.

3. DescoeudresF., and DudtJ.P. Tunnel de Base du Lötschberg— Galerie de Sondage Nord. Rapport R276, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Département de Génie Civil, 1994.







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