Prediction of the stress state of the shotcreting support under repeated seismic load


Karasev MaksimORCID,Sotnikov RomanORCID


The article assesses the impact of repeated blasts on the stress-strain state of the shotcreting support, which negatively affects the bearing capacity of the support and can lead to the formation of local rock falls in places of significant degradation of the shotcreting strength. Despite the fact that a single seismic load usually does not have a significant impact on the technical condition of the shotcreting support, repeated dynamic loading can lead to the development of negative processes and affect the safety. The article considers unreinforced and dispersed-reinforced shotcreting concrete as a shotcreting support. Models of deformation of rock and shotcreting support have been studied. To describe the deformation model of a rock mass, an elastic–plastic model based on the Hook-Brown plasticity condition has been accepted, which accurately describes the elastic-plastic behavior of a fractured medium. When performing the prediction of the stress-strain state of the shotcreting support, a model of plastic deformation of concrete with the accumulation of Concrete Damage Plasticity (CDP) was adopted, which allows to comprehensively consider the process of concrete deformation both under conditions of uniaxial compression and stress, and with minor edging draft. At the first calculation stage, a forecast of the seismic waves propagation in the immediate vicinity of the explosive initiation site was made. At the second stage, forecasts of the seismic waves propagation to the mine working and the stress-strain state of the support were made. On the basis of the performed studies, a methodology for assessing the impact of repeated blasts on the stress-strain state of the shotcreting support of the mine working is proposed.


Saint-Petersburg Mining University


Economic Geology,Geology,Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology

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