Geomechanical monitoring of the rock mass state is an actively developing branch of geomechanics, in which it is impossible to distinguish a single methodology and approaches for solving problems, collecting and analyzing data when developing seismic monitoring systems. During mining operations, all natural factors are subject to changes. During the mining of a rock mass, changes in the state of structural inhomogeneities are most clearly manifested: the existing natural structural inhomogeneities are revealed; there are movements in discontinuous disturbances (faults); new man-made disturbances (cracks) are formed, which are accompanied by changes in the natural stress state of various blocks of the rock mass. The developed method for evaluating the results of monitoring geomechanical processes in the rock mass on the example of the United Kirovsk mine of the CF AO Apatit allowed to solve one of the main tasks of the geomonitoring system – to predict the location of zones of possible occurrence of dangerous manifestations of rock pressure.
Saint-Petersburg Mining University
Economic Geology,Geology,Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology,Energy (miscellaneous)
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