A General View to the Concept of “Product Responsibility” in the Scope of Law No 7223


BAŞ Seda1




Product liability is a concept that expresses the compensation responsibility of the producer when the damage occurs due to the fault in the product. The events that may result in product liability consist of multi-link chains. The first link in this chain is the person who produces or puts the product on the market. While the seller is creating the other link of the chain, the last link is usually the consumer. However, it is not always the consumer who suffers; Third parties may also be harmed due to faults in the product. The fact that the injured person is a third party does not prevent the responsibility of the manufacturer. The product liability serves the purpose of eliminating such undesirable negative situations. Therefore, the product liability refers to the responsibility of the manufacturer to anyone who has suffered damage due to a fault in the product, regardless of whether there is a contractual relationship between them. In our positive law, the legal regulation about the product liability had been absent until the Law No. 7223. Numbered 7223 The Law on Product Safety and Technical Regulations adopted on 5/3/2020 and published in the Official Gazette. In this study, by virtue of being a new legal regulation, it’s aimed to examine the concept of product liability with a general perspective.


Turkiye Adalet Akademisi

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