1. 2010 Advances in Neural Information Processing System: Annual Conf. on Neural Information Processing System (NIPS 2010) Vancouver BC Canada V. Lempitsky A. Zisserman Learning to count objects in images 1324 1332
2. 2015 Proc. IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Boston USA J. Shao K. Kang C.C. Loy Deeply learned attributes for crowded scene understanding 4657 4666
3. What counts? Visual and verbal cues interact to influence what is considered a countable thing
4. 2008 Proc. IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Hawaii USA A.B. Chan Z.S. Chan J. Liang Privacy preserving crowd monitoring: counting people without people models or tracking 1 7
5. 2015 Iberian Conf. on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis (IbPRIA) Santiago de Compostela Spain R. Guerrerogómezolmedo B. Torrejiménez R. Lópezsastre Extremely overlapping vehicle counting 423 431