1. FIPS PUB 46‐3: ‘Data encryption standard (DES)’ 1999
2. FIPS PUB 197: ‘Advanced encryption standard (AES)’ 2001
3. Fast Protection of H.264/AVC by Selective Encryption of CAVLC and CABAC for I and P Frames
4. 2011 European Signal Processing Conf. EUSIPCO'11 Barcelona Spain L. Dubois W. Puech J. Blanc‐Talon Fast protection of H.264/AVC by reduced selective encryption of CAVLC 2185 2189
5. 2011 Int. Workshop on Information Forensics and Security (WIFS) Iguacu Falls Brazil L. Dubois W. Puech J. Blanc‐Talon Smart selective encryption of CAVLC for H.264/AVC video 1 6