1. Department of Neuro-Urology, Balgrist University Hospital, University of Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland
2. Department of Urology, University Hospital of Bonn, Bonn, Germany
3. Department of Urology, Cantonal Hospital St. Gallen, St. Gallen, Switzerland
4. Department of Urology, Spitalzentrum Biel/Centre Hospitalier Bienne, Biel/Bienne, Switzerland
5. Department of Urology, Bern University Hospital, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland
6. URO-Sursee, Uroviva, Sursee, Switzerland
7. Clinic for Urology, Kantonsspital Winterthur, Winterthur, Switzerland
8. Neuro-Urology, Swiss Paraplegic Center, Nottwil, Switzerland
9. Medignition Inc., Research Consultants, Zürich, Switzerland