1. S.A. Salloum, C. Mhamdi, B. Al Kurdi, K. Shaalan, "Factors affecting the Adoption and Meaningful Use of Social Media: A Structural Equation Modeling Approach," International Journal of Information Technology and Language Studies, 2(3), 2018.
2. M. Alghizzawi, S.A. Salloum, M. Habes, "The role of social media in tourism marketing in Jordan," International Journal of Information Technology and Language Studies, 2(3), 2018.
3. S.A. Salloum, W. Maqableh, C. Mhamdi, B. Al Kurdi, K. Shaalan, "Studying the Social Media Adoption by university students in the United Arab Emirates," International Journal of Information Technology and Language Studies, 2(3), 2018.
4. S.A. Salloum, M. Al-Emran, S. Abdallah, K. Shaalan, Analyzing the arab gulf newspapers using text mining techniques, 2018, doi:10.1007/978-3-319-64861-3_37.
5. F.A. Almazrouei, M. Alshurideh, B. Al Kurdi, S.A. Salloum, Social Media Impact on Business: A Systematic Review, 2021, doi:10.1007/978-3-030-58669-0_62.