Burden of cancer attributable to consumption of alcohol in Japan in 2015


Hirabayashi Mayo1,Sawada Norie2,Abe Sarah Krull1,Saito Eiko3,Hori Megumi3,Katanoda Kota3,Matsuda Tomohiro4,Inoue Manami2,


1. Division of Prevention, Center for Public Health Sciences, National Cancer Center, Tokyo, Japan.

2. Division of Cohort Research, Center for Public Health Sciences, National Cancer Center, Tokyo, Japan.

3. Division of Cancer Statistics Integration, Center for Cancer Control and Information Services, National Cancer Center, Tokyo, Japan.

4. National Cancer Registry Section, Center for Cancer Registries, Center for Cancer Control and Information Services/Office of International Affairs, Strategic Planning Bureau National Cancer Center, National Cancer Center, Tokyo, Japan.


National Center for Global Health and Medicine (JST)

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