Maya Kerimova, Sakina Abbasova Maya Kerimova, Sakina Abbasova
The transition to new technologies sets a number of new specific tasks determined by the parameters and structure of innovative products to science and technology. Both the technological process of creating innovative products and the measurement of parameters, processing of measurement information, and ensuring the credibility and metrological reliability of measurements need metrological support. The functioning of modern measuring instruments is connected not only with the possibility of a purposeful choice of a rational measurement algorithm in a fixed situation but also with the procedure for making decisions about the nature of further actions. Therefore, fundamental research concerning the design of intelligent measuring instruments is currently being actively conducted in mathematical metrology.
The development of an electronic information and analytical system for measuring equipment will ensure the installation of the optimal range of quantitative target indicators and the formation of metrological measures of priority programs and projects.
The article considers the possibilities of successfully solving the problems of metrological support for the implementation of innovative technologies. The solution of such problems depends on the completeness, validity, and feasibility of metrological measures.
The expediency and necessity of the formation and implementation of metrological measures of innovative technologies are shown.
Keywords: Metrology, metrological support, quality, innovative activity, infrastructure, metrological measures, measuring indicators.
Education Support and Investment Fund NGO
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3 articles.