1. Kimberly Jinnett ( ) is executive vice president of the Integrated Benefits Institute, in San Francisco, California, and an affiliate faculty member at the Institute for Health and Aging at the University of California, San Francisco.
2. Natalie Schwatka is an instructor at the Colorado School of Public Health and a researcher at the Center for Health, Work, and Environment, both at the University of Colorado, in Denver.
3. Liliana Tenney is an instructor at the Colorado School of Public Health and deputy director of the Center for Health, Work, and Environment, both at the University of Colorado.
4. Claire v. S. Brockbank is a principal at Segue Consulting, in Denver.
5. Lee S. Newman is a professor at the Colorado School of Public Health and the School of Medicine and director of the Center for Health, Work, and Environment, all at the University of Colorado.