1. Academic Plagiarism
2. LAS VEGAS SANDS CORP., a Nevada corporation, Plaintiff, v. UKNOWN REGISTRANTS OF www.wn0000.com, www.wn1111.com, www.wn2222.com, www.wn3333.com, www.wn4444.com, www.wn5555.com, www.wn6666.com, www.wn7777.com, www.wn8888.com, www.wn9999.com, www.112211.com, www.4456888.com, www.4489888.com, www.001148.com, and www.2289888.com, Defendants.
3. Doktora nevidimogo fronta: Pochti tret' zashchishchennyh v poslednie gody dissertatsij napisana za den'gi [Doctors of invisible front: almost third of all the dissertations defended during the last few years were written for money;D Simakin;Nezavisimaya gazeta,2006
4. The PhD in the US: Criticisms, Facts, and Remedies