1. ) 73 ) ? Education: The Department of Education's Office of Indian Education accounts for only 0.2% of the Department's total discretionary budget, and this has held steady over FY 1998-2004. (USCCR at 89) Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) schools spend only 50%-60% of the amount that general public schools do on instruction, with BIA instructional spending held down by an extreme need for upkeep on old buildings. (USCCR at 92) ? Rural Development: The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is largely responsible for rural development and agricultural support;Taylor;FY 1998-2004, the overall HHS discretionary budget rose 58%. (USCCR at 38) As a share of the HHS discretionary budget, Indian Health Service (IHS) funding by HHS fell from 5.6% in FY 1994 to 4.4% in FY 2004. Comparing American Indians to other populations for which the federal government has direct responsibility for health care, per capita spending by IHS in 2003 is $2,535. This compares unfavorably to all other comparison groups examined by USCCR, which examined federal health expenditures on Medicare ($5,915), veterans ($5,214), U.S. general public ($5,065),2001
2. The Road Not Taken: How Tribes Choose between Tribal and Indian Health Service Management of Health Care Resources
3. Aboriginal Fishing Rights: Supreme Court Decisions;Jane Allain;Parliamentary Research Branch,1996
4. An Economic Development Policy for the Oglala Nation;Andrew Aoki;What Can Tribes Do II? Strategies and Institutions in American Indian Economic,2004
5. Arizona Department of Gaming;Tribal Contributions Fact Sheet,2003