1. Doveri e responsabilit� di amministratori e sindaci nelle societ� di capitali;G D Mosco;Riv. soc,2019
2. Actual contracts always prevail over implied ones. Obligations implied to maximize value in high-transactions-costs cases may have some things in common, but differences in the underlying transactions will call for different "fiduciary" obligations, just as actual contracts differ across markets'). While varying in some respects;& B J Cooter;spite of positive differences, virtually all corporate law contemplates such directorial duties, for they find their justification in the need to hold the agent accountable towards the principal,1991
3. A Suprema Corte di Cassazione e o Revirement sobre os Danos Punitivos na Itália: Algumas Anotações
4. Art. 4 CISG, Art. 1495 Abs. 3 Codice Civile (Ital.)
5. For first attempt to emphasize the importance of the need for increased levels of accountability, see Cadbury Report -The Financial Aspects of Corporate Governance;Ownership and Control,1992