1. Although no 172 difference in LIG was observed among the genotypes, they performed differently in terms of LIG 173 accumulation and in terms of CEL and PH throughout crop development (Figures 2 and 3). The 174 genotypes, on average, showed a high increase in the phenotypic expression of all traits throughout 175 crop development, except for HEM, which showed slight fluctuations around the mean (Figure 2). It 176 is important to note that HEM is composed of arabinoxylan polysaccharides;Significant variations (P?0.01) were observed among genotypes and HTs and between CYs 168 and Ss for all evaluated traits, except among genotypes and between CYs for LIG and DMP, 169 respectively (Figure 2-5)
2. In addition to the influence of genetic factors, the influence of environmental factors on 180 phenotypic expression was observed;which the interactions involving HT, S and CY
3. Similar differences were observed in the present study, in which the environments with 186 higher rainfall throughout crop development presented, on average, taller genotypes;Htxcy;SxCY and HTxSxCY) were significant for all evaluated traits, except for dry matter (DM) 182 (Figures 4 and 5)
4. However, it is noteworthy that the growth rates (CGR and RCGR) were 190 higher in the initial growth stage, preceding the boot stage of the crop, with intermediate gains of 191 approximately 0.04 m day -1 , and the maximum CGR for all genotypes was reached between 80 and 192 100 DAS. After this period, the growth rates (CGR and RCGR) continuously decreased and were 193 extremely small between 150 and 180 DAS (CGR <0.01 m day -1 and RCGR <0.003 m day -1 ) (Figure 194 3). Similar results were observed in the literature regarding the growth rates of crops;Crop growth was constant until the last HT