1. Front cover
2. or monopolists in the terminating market. 63 This alleged "terminating monopoly" problem is explicitly addressed in the 2010 Open Internet Order, 64 by the D.C. Circuit in Verizon, 65 and in the 2014 Open Internet NPRM, where the Commission states that customer switching costs "creat[e] 'terminating monopolies' for content providers needing high-speed broadband service to reach end users;Moreover, as noted above, both the Commission and the D.C. Circuit in Verizon view BSPs as "terminating monopolists
3. Doing so would permit the Commission to regulate Broadband Service Providers under Sections 201 and 202 of the Communications Act, which, it is argued, can be used to prevent Broadband Service Providers from establishing slow-and fast-lanes for the delivery of edge-provider traffic to consumers;Conclusion While the Federal Communications Commission has taken a light-touch regulatory approach to broadband Internet access