Wijaya Christofora Hanny,Carolina Cindy
The development of Java tea extract-based functional drink as a new concept of “Jamu” drink has been carried out since 2006. However, there was no consumer preference survey, hence this study was conducted. This research aimed to identify the factors that influence consumer preferences on buying “Jamu” specify the intensity of sensory attributes of ideal “Jamu” accordingly in the Bogor area. This would allow pursuing the final target to determine the consumer acceptance towards concentrate Java tea extract-based functional drink as a Jamu. A chi-square analysis was performed to determine the relationship between the respondent’s demographic factors and consumer preferences for Jamu. The demographic factors showed a significant association with consumer preferences for Jamu at a significance level of 5 %. Each demographic factor had a different influence on consumer preferences. The intensity of the sensory attributes of concentrated Java tea extract-based functional drinks was significantly incompatible with an ideal Jamu, according to Wilcoxon test results. This result showed that consumers did not consider the developed concentrate having Jamu criteria sensorically. The intensity of sweetness and astringency that met the consumer preference, orange aroma, and freshness attribute at high intensity, plus the unpleasant sensory characteristics of Jamu which could not be detected in the product might provide the product’s strengths that make the developed product potentially acceptable by market.
General Materials Science
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