Komparasi Pendapatan Varietas Unggul Padi di Lahan Demonstration-Farm (DEMFARM)


Yuwinti Yuwinti Nearti,Fachrudin Budi,Andri Zuliansyah Muhammad


One of the technological components that plays a significant role in increasing rice productivity and efficiency is superior varieties. This study aimed to determine the production and income of rice by testing superior varieties namely IPB 3S, Inpari 32 and Ciherang on demfarm land. The method used in this research was a qualitative and quantitative method that was experimental with the selection of locations by case study. The data analyzed included production costs, revenues, income and return cost ratio (R/C) as well as the one-way ANOVA test to see whether there was an effect of seeds on income. The results showed that the income for the three superior varieties consisting of Rp. -14,794,470/ha/MT for IPB 3S, Rp. -13,276,970/ha/MT for Inpari 32, and Rp. -11,898,470/ha/MT for Ciherang, 4) Return Cost Ratio (R/C) includes IPB 3S of 0,20, Inpari 32 of 0,21 and Ciherang of 0,26. The R/C value < 1 means that it is inefficient due to acidic soil conditions, poor drainage, high rainfall and pest and plant disease disturbances. The results of the one-way ANOVA test analysis showed that seed varieties have no significant effect on income.


Institut Pertanian Bogor


General Medicine

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