Chocolate Cake Please! Why do Consumers Indulge more when it Feels More Expensive?


Bagchi Rajesh1,Block Lauren G.2


1. Pamplin College of Business, Virginia Tech

2. Zicklin School of Business, Baruch College, CUNY


This article examines how imputed costs influence food consumption. Across one field study and three lab studies, the authors demonstrate that the greater the imputed cost of consumption, the greater is the likelihood of choosing a more indulgent, high-calorie food. Specifically, the authors show that when the imputed costs of payment are higher, such as when making purchases using cash (vs. a credit card) or when pain associated with cash spending is higher, consumers are more likely to purchase and consume higher-calorie foods. The authors provide evidence that consuming indulgent foods actually alleviates the pain of payment and leads to greater positive affect. These findings extend current research by demonstrating how method of payment affects consumption choice. They also provide an alternative explanation of why consumption of indulgent foods increases during economic downturns and why consumers who impute higher costs to payment indulge more.


SAGE Publications


Marketing,Economics and Econometrics,Business and International Management

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1. An exploratory study on emotional consequents of visceral food pleasure;Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal;2023-11-20

2. The pain of payment: A review and research agenda;Psychology & Marketing;2023-05-09

3. Effects of payment notifications on consumer purchase decisions: The role of pain of payment;Journal of Consumer Behaviour;2023-04-25

4. The Impact of Mobile Payment on Hedonic Preference;Journal of Interactive Marketing;2023-02-13

5. Consumer psychology for food choices: a systematic review and research directions;European Journal of Marketing;2023-01-20







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