1. Laboratory of Veterinary Bacteriology and Mycology, Faculty of
Veterinary Medicine, Ghent University, Salisburylaan 133, B 9820 Merelbeke,
This study describes the development of a trout gill perfusion model, consisting of an excised branchial arch from rainbow trout ( Oncorhynchus mykiss L.), perfused via the afferent branchial artery and suspended in a circular organ chamber filled with Ringer solution. Different perfusion fluids were tested: Ringer, Cortland, Ringer + procaine, Ringer + adrenalin, Cortland + procaine, Cortland + adrenalin and Cortland + dextran 1% . The latter perfusion fluid proved to be satisfactory, maintaining the gill tissue in a healthy condition outside the body of the fish for at least 180 min. Using this model, the interaction of damaging agents with the trout gill tissue may be studied under carefully controlled conditions. The trout gill perfusion model leads effectively to a reduction in the number of experimental animals to be used and also involves an elimination of pain and/or suffering, which is as good as complete.
General Veterinary,Animal Science and Zoology
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10 articles.