1. Independent Scholar
In the early twentieth century, French academic veterinarians launched a meat
trade reform movement. Their primary objective was the construction of a network of regional
industrial abattoirs equipped with refrigeration. These modern, efficient abattoirs-usines
would produce and distribute chilled dead meat, rather than livestock, to centers of
consumption, particularly Paris. This system was hygienic and economical and intended
to replace the insanitary artisanal meat trade centered on the La Villette cattle market and
abattoir in Paris. The first abattoirs-usines opened during World War I, but within 10 years
the experiment had begun to encounter serious difficulties. For decades afterward, the
experiment survived in the collective memory as a complete fiasco, even though some
abattoirs-usines in fact persisted by altering their business models. This article examines the
roadblocks of the interwar era and the effects of both the problems and their perception
on the post-1945 meat trade.
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2 articles.