1. Department of Ecological Science, Vrije Universiteit 1 , 1081 HV Amsterdam , The Netherlands
2. Behavioral Ecology and Conservation Lab, Nuremberg Zoo, 90480 Nuremberg 2 , Germany
3. Cosys-Lab, Faculty of Applied Engineering 3 , University of Antwerp, 2020 Antwerpen , Belgium
4. Estación Cientóf́ica San Francisco, Loja 4 , Ecuador
5. Faculty of Geography, Lab for Climatology and Remote Sensing, Philipps-University of Marburg 5 , 35032 Marburg , Germany
6. Unidad Académica de Posgrado 6 , Universidad Católica de Cuenca, Cuenca 010107 , Ecuador
7. Institute of Evolutionary Ecology and Conservation Genomics, University of Ulm 7 , 89069 Ulm , Germany
8. Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Ancon, Balboa 8 , Panama
9. Merlin Tuttle’s Bat Conservation, MerlinTuttle.org, Austin, TX 78735 9 , USA