Cross-induction of cell types in Dictyostelium: evidence that DIF-1 is made by prespore cells


Kay Robert R.1,Thompson Christopher R. L.


1. MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Hills Road, Cambridge CB2 2QH, UK


To investigate how cell type proportions are regulated during Dictyostelium development, we have attempted to find out which cell type produces DIF-1, a diffusible signal molecule inducing the differentiation of prestalk-O cells. DIF-1 is a chlorinated alkyl phenone that is synthesized from a C12 polyketide precursor by chlorination and methylation, with the final step catalysed by the dmtA methyltransferase. All our evidence points to the prespore cells as the major source of DIF-1. (1) dmtA mRNA and enzyme activity are greatly enriched in prespore compared with prestalk cells. The chlorinating activity is also somewhat prespore-enriched. (2) Expression of dmtA is induced by cyclic-AMP and this induction is inhibited by DIF-1. This regulatory behaviour is characteristic of prespore products. (3) Short-term labelling experiments, using the polyketide precursor, show that purified prespore cells produce DIF-1 at more than 20 times the rate of prestalk cells. (4) Although DIF-1 has little effect on its own synthesis in short-term labelling experiments, in long-term experiments, using 36Cl– as label, it is strongly inhibitory (IC50 about 5 nM), presumably because it represses expression of dmtA; this is again consistent with DIF-1 production by prespore cells. Inhibition takes about 1 hour to become effective. We propose that prespore cells cross-induce the differentiation of prestalk-O cells by making DIF-1, and that this is one of the regulatory loops that sets the proportion of prespore-to-prestalk cells in the aggregate.


The Company of Biologists


Developmental Biology,Molecular Biology

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