The complex Rodrigues triple junction migration since ca. 8 Ma: A response to episodic Amsterdam–St. Paul hotspot tail capture by the Southeast Indian Ridge?


Meyzen Christine M.1ORCID,Schwarz-Schampera Ulrich23


1. 1Dipartimento di Geoscienze, Università degli Studi di Padova, 35131 Padua, Italy

2. 2Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR), D-30655 Hannover, Germany

3. 3International Seabed Authority, Kingston, Jamaica


AbstractThe mutual intersection of three plate boundaries, so-called triple junctions, has long been recognized as crucial boundaries for unraveling the spatiotemporal motion of tectonic plates. Yet, the dynamic and tectonic processes ruling their migration remain enigmatic. At the Rodrigues triple junction, the Southwest Indian Ridge lengthens northeastward in response to the unsteady linearity of the Southeast Indian Ridge–Central Indian Ridge dueling ridge system. This mechanism is episodically compensated by the southeastward propagation of the Central Indian Ridge and alternating stages of recession and progression of the Southeast Indian Ridge. This has led to an apparent length constancy of the first Southeast Indian Ridge segment over the past ca. 8 Ma. These multiple ridge propagation episodes, from northwest, southwest, and southeast, result in a net northeastward migration of the Rodrigues triple junction. Here, we suggest that its migration since ca. 8 Ma is a consequence of short-term readjustments of its plate boundaries induced by transitory motion changes of the Capricorn plate, driven by episodic push forces exerted from ephemeral captures of the Amsterdam–St. Paul plume tail by the Southeast Indian Ridge at the southeastern part of the Capricorn plate (77.3°E–78.6°E).


Geological Society of America



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