A lignin, diatom, and pollen record spanning the Pleistocene–Holocene transition at Fallen Leaf Lake, Sierra Nevada, California, USA


Ball* G. Ian1,Noble Paula J.2,Stephens Brandon M.1,Higgins Anna3,Mensing Scott A.3,Aluwihare L.I.1


1. Scripps Institution of Oceanography, Geosciences Research Division, La Jolla, California 92093, USA

2. Department of Geological Sciences and Engineering, University of Nevada, Reno, Nevada 89557, USA

3. Department of Geography, University of Nevada, Reno, Nevada 89557, USA


ABSTRACT Lignin phenol, pollen, and diatom analyses were performed on dated sediments (13,533–8993 cal yr B.P.) recovered from Fallen Leaf Lake, California. This multiproxy data set constrains the end of the Tioga glaciation in the Lake Tahoe Basin and reconstructs the response of the region’s aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems to climatic changes that accompanied the Younger Dryas, the end of the Pleistocene, and early Holocene warming. From the Pleistocene to the Holocene, lignin concentrations and syringyl/vanillyl (S/V) ratios increased, while cinnamyl/vanillyl (C/V) ratios and the lignin phenol vegetation index (LPVI) decreased, recording the proliferation of woody plant material and, particularly, the expansion of angiosperms as the Tioga glaciation ended and temperatures warmed. This interpretation is constrained by lignin phenol analyses of plant material from Fallen Leaf Lake’s present-day watershed. Complementary palynological analyses show a transition from a gymnosperm-dominated landscape to a more mixed angiosperm-gymnosperm vegetation assemblage that formed as closed canopy forests became more open and grasses and aster colonized meadows. Aquatic flora assemblages, in the form of greater amounts of green algae and greater percentages of diatom phytoplankton, indicate increased levels of lake primary productivity in response to warming. Principal component analysis (PCA) distinctly resolves the Pleistocene from the Holocene diatom flora. The Pleistocene flora is dominated by cyclotelloids and low-mantled Aulacoseira species that are rare in Fallen Leaf Lake today, but common at higher and colder elevations that may resemble the Pleistocene Fallen Leaf Lake. The Holocene diatom flora is dominated by Aulacoseira subarctica.


Geological Society of America

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2. Evaluating the reintroduction potential of Lahontan cutthroat trout in Fallen Leaf Lake, California;Al-Chokhachy;North American Journal of Fisheries Management,2009

3. Holocene forest development and paleoclimates within the central Sierra Nevada, California;Anderson;Journal of Ecology,1990

4. Contemporary pollen rain across central Sierra Nevada, California, USA: Relationship to modern vegetation types;Anderson;Artic and Alpine Research,1988

5. Diatoms of North America: The Freshwater Floras of Prince Patrick, Ellef Ringnes, and Northern Ellesmere Islands from the Canadian Arctic Archipelago;Antoniades,2008








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