Petrologic constraints on the origin of Proterozoic ferroan granites of the Laurentian margin


Frost Carol D.1,Frost B. Ronald1


1. Department of Geology and Geophysics, University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyoming 82071, USA


ABSTRACT Ferroan granite is a characteristic rock type of the Laurentian margin. It is commonly associated with anorthosite and related rocks. Ferroan granites are strongly enriched in iron, are alkalic to alkali-calcic, and are generally metaluminous. These geochemical characteristics reflect their tholeiitic parental magma source and relatively reducing and anhydrous conditions of crystallization. Their compositions distinguish them from arc magmas, which are magnesian and calcic to calc-alkalic. Ferroan granite magmas are hot, which promotes partial melting of their crustal wall rocks. Assimilation of these silica-rich and peraluminous melts drives the resulting magmas to higher silica and aluminum saturation values. Where Proterozoic ferroan granites intrude Archean crust, their mantle component is readily identified isotopically, but this is more difficult where they intrude relatively juvenile crust. Ferroan granite forms in tectonic environments that allow partial melts of tholeiitic mantle to pond and differentiate at or near the base of the crust. Phanerozoic examples occur in plume settings, such as the Snake River Plain and Yellowstone, or under certain conditions involving slab rollback, such as those that formed the Cenozoic topaz rhyolites of the western United States or ferroan rhyolites of the Sierra Madre Occidental. It is possible that the long-lived supercontinent Nuna-Rodinia, of which Laurentia was a part, formed an insulating lid that raised underlying mantle temperatures and created a unique environment that enabled emplacement of large volumes of mafic melt at the base of the crust. Ascent of felsic differentiates accompanied by variable crustal assimilation may have created large volumes of Proterozoic ferroan granite and related rocks.


Geological Society of America

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