1. Ahmad J. 2006, High-Resolution Seismic and Electrical Resistivity Tomography Techniques Applied to Image and Characterize a Buried Channel [M.Sc. thesis]: Edmonton, University of Alberta, 201 p.
2. Anderson F.J. Shurr G.W. Fischer D.W. 2006, History, geology, and potential hydrogeochemical indicators of natural gas occurrence and production from Quaternary glacial drift and upper-Cretaceous sedimentary bedrock in north-central North Dakota: North Dakota Geological Survey Geological Investigations 33, 25 p.
3. Andriashek L.D. Atkinson N. 2007, Buried channels and glacial-drift aquifers in the Fort McMurray region, NE Alberta: Alberta Energy and Utilities Board, Alberta Geological Survey, Energy and Utilities Board/Alberta Geological Survey Earth Sciences Report 2007–01, 170 p.
4. Electrical resistivity ground imaging (ERGI): a new tool for mapping the lithology and geometry of channel-belts and valley-fills
5. Baker G.S. 1999, Processing Near-Surface Seismic-Reflection Data: A Primer: Course Notes Series: Tulsa, Oklahoma, Society of Exploration Geophysicists, 77 p.