1. Montclair State University, USA
2. Empowerment Academy Charter School, USA
With the outbreak of COVID-19, the world shifted. Educators adapted their lessons to online environments which was tiresome. Teachers were not trained to modify their pedagogies to keep up with the consistent progression of technology and transition from in-person to online instruction. Using Twine's (2016) and Price-Dennis and Sealey-Ruiz's (2021) conceptualization of racial literacy (RL) and Ladson-Billings's (1994, 1995, 2001, 2021) theory of culturally relevant pedagogy (CRP), this chapter invites teachers and teacher educators to explore the questions: What are RL and CRP? What does it mean to be a racially literate and culturally relevant teacher and teacher educator in the virtual age? What do RL and CRP pedagogical practices in virtual and in-person contexts look like? The authors will do so by revisiting RL and CRP. Finally, this chapter urges teachers and teacher educators to examine practices and take steps towards creating racially and culturally relevant spaces in virtual and traditional classrooms.