Privacy and Data Rights for Adult English as a Second Language (ESL) Students


Rehak Kimberly M.1


1. Indiana University of Pennsylvania, USA


In the USA, instructors need to ensure the user privacy and data rights of their adult English as a second language (ESL) students. The ways in which educational technology (EdTech) companies track user activity and sell user data to third parties raises ethical concerns for student privacy and data rights. ESL students are particularly vulnerable because of the vague language in privacy policies and user agreements, differences in terms of state surveillance, and insufficient user privacy and data protections. In addition to a discussion on the ethical concerns within EdTech and higher education, one method and two tools to help ESL instructors and educators are provided. These assist with ESL or international students in their classrooms as a means to evaluate EdTech tools and make decisions on whether to adopt or require a digital tool.


IGI Global

Reference49 articles.

1. Bergey, R., Movit, M., Baird, A. S., & Faria, A.-M. (2018). Serving English language learners in higher education: Unlocking the potential. American Institutes for Research.

2. Bhargava, R., Deahl, E., Letouze, E., Noonan, A., Sangokoya, D., & Shoup, N. (2015, September). Beyond data literacy: Reinventing community engagement and empowerment in the age of data. Data-Pop Alliance (Harvard Humanitarian Initiative, MIT Media Lab and Overseas Development Institute) and Internews.

3. Bischoff, P. (2019, October 15). Data privacy laws & government surveillance by country: Which countries best protect their citizens? Comparitech.

4. Mobile and Adaptive Learning Application for English Language Learning

5. Critical Pedagogy and Educational Technology







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