New Formulas of Interactive Entertainment


Bonales-Daimiel Gema1


1. Complutense University of Madrid, Spain


Recently videogames have evolved from pure entertainment to increase their presence in other fields, becoming one of the most relevant industries regarding entertainment, creativity, and culture. The brands have found and are exploiting new ways to use the new formulas of interactive entertainment to improve the effectiveness of their campaigns and their communications. This article studies and analyzes three of them: advertainment, advergaming, and the metaverse. The authors analyzed the most relevant actions carried out in the last year and performed a qualitative and quantitative research to assess the knowledge, awareness, and impact of them. The main conclusion is that there is a positive predisposition of the Spanish population between 15 and 35 years old towards advertising in video games and that there is a preference for companies to perform in-game advertising over advergames.


IGI Global

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